Reclaim your Time: Time-Management Tips to start 2023 off with Balance

In the times we're living in, it's rare not to feel like there's more on your to-do list than you'll ever have time for.  For leaders of volunteers, chances are you’re constantly managing a slew of tasks and responsibilities, some of which can be hard to predict, especially balancing time spent supporting and assisting volunteers with your own list of to-do items. Rising Tide Volunteer Solutions’ Founder, Anna Guest, shares tips that have made a huge difference in how she manages her time. 

Juggling multiple programs, priorities and responsibilities in any one day made me realize how much I needed to overhaul how I was managing my time. The three tips I’m sharing here have completely changed how I work, support me in being realistic about what I can accomplish in an hour, day or week, and ultimately help me work smarter
— Anna Guest

Tip #1 - Organize Your To-Do List

Tip #2 - Time Blocking

Tip #3 - Proactive Communication

May these tools and strategies support your well-being by empowering you to gain a greater sense of control over your time and to-do list!


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